15BN National Tree Growing Restoration Campaign

It is without doubt that the president remains effortlessly committed to ensure the nation achieves 30% tree cover by 2032. In this light, as the commander in chief of the Kenya Defence forces, he has directed different departments within the forces to increase tree seedlings production and grow trees both within and outside the barracks.The directive has been taking shape with speed.

As an environmental partner of a number of defence forces departments, Dedan Kimathi Foundation has been more active than before to offer a hand of assistance to help realize the conservation goals for the greater benefit of this nation.

Today, Monday 2nd September 2024, the foundation C.E.O; Ms. Evelyn W. Kimathi paid Kahawa based Kenya Army Corps of Transport (KACT) a visit upon request for support. The two entities laid up plans on tree seedlings production escalation and sustainable tree growing programs. She further monitored the KACT tree nursery to evaluate the progress of the tree seedlings the DKF environmental team had assisted the the soldiers to set up last year.

To increase tree seedlings production, Evelyn has committed the support of the Foundation in potting bags provision, labor increase and technical support for sustainable tree nursery practices. Secondly, she offered a hand of the Foundation in identifying suitable tree growing sites in which proper tree growth will be guaranteed.

Her tree growing motivation lies behind the passion to “Bring Aberdares Close To Our Homes” This driving force blends perfectly with the soldiers whose interaction with the forests remains a culture.