(For Dedan Kimathi foundation)
The country was becoming tense day by day and colonial administration held deeper within our country’s sovereignity at the expense of our people. The restlessness engulfed everything and the authoritanialism found its way down deeper in to the souls of our people and gradually the urge to free ourselves became irresistible. Thye regrouping and self-reorganization therefore took centre stage and quietly and surely the Mau Mau organization was eventually formed.
“As a young mother and a wife, life was becoming intolerable, but I had to support him with all my strength. Together, we trusted God, prayed hard with a burning conviction deep down our hearts that even without weapons unlike the British colonialists, God would fight for us and deliver Kenya from cruel hands of the British colonialists,” words from our mother Mukami Kimathi.
The quotes depict one of the most recognized Mau Mau heroine, Kimathi’s wife and our mother. She narrates clearly exactly what had transpired in the centre of Mau Mau uprising in Kenya and what ended up as painfully earned freedom that saw British colonialists give in and thus making our country free.
We recognize and cater for the wives of the freedom fighters heroes who died in that struggle for our freedom. In this regard, Dedan Kimathi foundation would kindly yopu to give any potential support to you all from any corner of the globe. To support our cause is to support humanity and promote God’s people. Thanks a lot, Amen.